Module 11

Flexible Budgeting

Purchase the Module Below

11.0 A Brief Look Inside the Flexible Budgeting Module

A concise overview of the unique Practical Accounting approach where you learn Why before efficiently learning How.

11.1 Key Issues and Terminology Flexible Budgeting

All the issues and terminology on one page.

11.2 Making Sense of Controlling Processes

Before we begin computing, let’s really examine Why we are doing this.

11.3 Static Budget Variance Analysis

Straightforward explanation of “traditional” variance analysis.

11.4 The Bridge: One Method of Variance Analysis

How to adjust for Volume (Review) then Introduce the Unique Bridge Approach to this and the next chapter.

11.5 Flexible Budget Variance Analysis Example

Demo in Excel: A straightforward example of the computation of Variance Analysis.

11.6 Flexible Budget Variance Analysis Solution, Causes and Practice Puzzle

The color coded solution is used to analyze the potential causes of the variances. A practice puzzle follows with a solution and two extra copies of the format for your use.

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